Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

catching up

it's been a busy SIX MONTHS since i updated this blog.
I know this is a great tool to use, it gives a great feel for how we progress, it's just a hard habit to adopt. It really takes time and thank g-d we've been so busy lately.

we have grown much - at the end of our first year in operation, we have almost 30 guys signed up. most of them come regularly, but we try to adapt to students who can not come five days a week, so we have a few coming for two or three times a week program.

some more of our students incorporated work in their day, and some have extended their learning to the afternoon...

we've been going on trips, and improving amazingly in the learning - real high level.
i'll update soon -B"H.

We've gotten much moral support from the ministry of health and have been encouraged to open two more learning centers in Israel. one around ramat gan area and one up north. did I mention busy???

we miss rabbi Rosen, who is packing up in America, but are sure he will come back with his wonderfull energy soon enough.

I do realize no one is actually reading this, but it's fun to update. I'll try to be better at it.

Rabbi Guy