Monday, March 22, 2010

Pessach 2010

This year we continued our tradition of volenteering in the community before Pessach and again joined hands with "good neighboor" foundation to make food baskets to needy families.

We got to the warehouse in the morning and started packing... carrots, onions, eggs... it was quite a physical activity.

We sang along while we worked and felt like this bit of manual labor was exactly the opposite of slavery in Egypt. What were doing here was helping our fellow Jew and giving up some of our physical comfort so we can be part of the Jewish nation.

After a whole morning of work, and hundreds of kilos of food, we came out of there exhusted but very very proud and happy.

Happy Passover.
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Tuesday, March 16, 2010


What a wonderful time we had. I feel absolutly blessed!

In honor of Rosh Hodesh Nissan and our 2 year anniversary, we took a bus and went for a whole day trip up north.
We met in Jerusalem at 8:30 and soon after that we were on our way. We picked up some of the students along the way and continued over to our Ramat Gan campus.
We picked up the rest of the guys in Ramat Gan - we actually filled up a whole bus - not to bad considering we started 2 years ago with six students and a dream.

We had an awsome time on the bus. It was a real party on wheels. We had music, jokes, tour guiding and torah. Many of the guys were encouraged by the incredible mood and came to the front of the bus to pick up the microphone.
It was touching to see how we all came together - from throughout the counrty, each with his background and culture, and really came together as friends making lasting relationships.

We had a great lunch on the north shore of the Kinneret. Some of us were brave enough to dip in the water of the hidden waterfall.
We continued to the Tzefat region and finished the night at Miron, tomb of Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai.

We came back at 11:30 at night. Everyone was safe and sound, filled with memories that would last a lifetime.

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