Wednesday, August 6, 2008


I had an insight on prayer a few days ago.
It came when someone asked me how i can say the same words of prayer everyday and have any meaning. So I thought about my prayers...

I told him that when I pray, I don't limit my words to going in one way, up, but rather both ways. what I mean is that when we ask Hashem for things: health, wealth, Da'at... If we are parasites, we ask with no shame. But, the way to do it is to take the time and examin our requests of hashem. for example, if we ask Hashem for health we have to see what we do towards that. Do I eat fattening, smoke, drink execively? if so, how dare we ask Hashem for health? when you look at it that way, it is time for introspection, time for us to look at our hishtadlut, our part in our life. If we do this right, it strengthens our self realization and our relationship with God.

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