Monday, July 21, 2008

Baruch Hashem

Yesterday was the fast of the 17th of Tamuz (to learn more click
Not so many came, but we had a good learning day. I didn't think we could have Mincha because we didn't have anyone to read the torah, and i wasn't even sure if we had six people who fasted, which is needed for taking a torah out.
ALL THE SUDDEN, 2 people came off the street asking if we are doing mincha, and another potential student showed up unannounced. Turnes out, he can read the torah, and he is a kohen.
you can always look at things like that as coincidence, but I see it as God smiling at us.

Then again God smiled at us this morning, 9 30 we already had almost ten students and an hour later we had fifteen. we actually had to add more seats. Baruch Hashem

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